Woodchester Mansion is world renowed as being an extremely haunted location. Built originally as Spring Park the mansion was eventually knocked down and restored as Woodchester mansion in the late 1800's. The most intriging thing about the mansion is the way that it looks today. With doors that lead nowhere, rooms with no floors and stairs that end in mid air you may wonder how it came to be this way.
In the midst of restoring the mansion 7 workmen died, 6 of them accidently and 1 murdered. One day in the late 1870's all workmen left the building abandoned and fled the gothic revival mansion with no reason and never returned. Today the mansion still stands, from the outside looking complete but from the inside it takes you through a time warp back over 130 years. What made the workmen leave that day, no-one will ever know but whatever it was has left a lasting inpression on the mansion and all those that visit it.
Woodchester Mansion, England May 06
On the approach to Woodchester Mansion I didn't really know what to expect, I had not researched into the location as I like to work on my senses rather than know all the history beforehand. Turning off the main road we followed a long stretch that seemed to go on for miles, turning a corner my breath caught in my mouth as the building came into view. It was spectacular but it didn't seem too eerie (in the evenings that is a different story altogether).
After a short walk around we decided to start the Investigation, I couldn't get over the size of the place and the energies that came from the walls was overpowering. The tools from the workmen were still present and left in the same spot that they had been dropped all them years ago, something evil was lurking within and by this time my excitement and anxiety about what the night would bring filled me with a mixture of emotions.
One of the first areas we started the night vigil had a big stone bath rub, getting into the tub I had a weird sensation of feeling like I could taste blood and a lot of it, after a few moments I actually felt like I was going to choke on my own blood, I got out of the tub to be told that someone had died in that exact spot, something I perhaps would have liked to have known before I climbed in, but then at least I knew my senses were working properly.
There were 6 girls all stood in the bathroom and we decided to do a seance (you should always protect yourself before doing anything like and protect your circle, something we didn't do this time around and we suffered the consequences).
We were holding hands, it was dark but not pitch black that we couldn't see each other. We were asking out as one of the mediums was picking up on a man and a young girl in the room. The man didn't like women and wasn't happy at us being there and the girl was scared of him.
Well I thought 6 girls against this one guy we would be Okay so I suggested that the young spirit girl come into the circle and we will protect her, as soon as the words had left my lips Dee a girl in the circle who I knew flew backwards (it was lucky someone was holding her hand either side or she would have fallen over) she said something had hit her and was holding onto her eye.
Taking a look with the torch we were all shocked to see she had a huge gash across her eye and it was bleeding, for me this is one of the scariest things that I have ever witnessed (another scary thing happened later) she was very shaken up as we all were and by the morning (the event in question took place around 1am) she had a huge black eye and was very scared and upset.
Later on we all went into a long dark corridor on the bottom floor near the cellar, and it was a very narrow corridor and I decided to stand opposite Martin the medium with us because I felt safe near him wrong decision on my half.
He (Martin) was talking to what appeared to be a demon, he was saying that whatever was here had been here longer than anything else. Martin started to make strange noises and he had warned us on past events that he may go into trance (when your body get taken over by an entity, spirit or demon to communicate) but we had never witnessed it before.
He began to talk in a different voice, no human could make the sounds that were coming out of his mouth. It was almost as if they were coming directly from his voice box at certain times. I had never heard anything quite like this before in my life and the whole experience left me pretty shaken up. The demon told us that we should all leave, he kept laughing and saying we would regret it if we didn't. Another medium was confronting him and asking why he was here, he replied that he predated anything that had ever stood here before.
Throughout the night we heard lots of strange noises and caught a fair few orbs. That was all on the first night, we went back and did it all again the second night but nothing much happened, maybe it had taken the spirits and demons of Woodchester mansion so much energy to get through to us the first night that they decided to give us a break the next day.
I would definately revisit WoodChester as I felt it to be extremely active and there was an energy there that I feel is still with me to this day.
Overall scare factor: Night One 10/10 Night Two 4/10
eeekkk that place looks creepy as hell, again MH did an investigation there and they got loads of activity as well, including things getting thrown at them! would love to go and investigate there!
ReplyDeleteI would go again so we will have to look into doing it :-) would be awesome #Ilovethisshit