Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Asylum 6 Baby!!!

So in a little over 5 weeks I will be attending my 2nd Supernatural Convention at the Hilton Hotel Birmingham and I couldn't be anymore excited as I am now.  Partly because I need a break, Mostly because I get to meet some new friends in the flesh (Caz and Sally mainly) and majorly because I get to stand next to and possible speak to (if my mouth will move) the man I have had a crush on and LOVED as an actor for the past 14 years Mr Jensen Ackles.

I can't quiet believe it is just around the corner, I have a feeling it is going to be a weekend to remember.

So the event starts on Friday the 13th (spooky) of May and ends (for me anyway) Monday the 16th of May.  During this time there will be stage talks, meet and greets, photo ops, autographs, themed parties, drinking, dancing and craziness (not in that order).  I have a photo op with Jensen already brought #ohmyfuckinggod and I hope that I am successful in getting the J2 double and also a photo with Jared too #ithastobedone.  Other guests that I may get photos with are Mark and Richard (if the funds hold out that long).

We booked it last May at A4 and it seemed so far away, I really can't believe it has come round so quick.  Jensen was announced in December and I cried #saddo I have wanted to meet him for soooo long, I just hope I can hold it together (alcoholic drink beforehand me thinks).

I have made some great new friends on Facebook who are Supernatural Geeks like me and I can't wait to meet Caz who has become my Supernatural stalking buddy on Twitter (Chad tweeted us twice and Richard woot) and Sal who is really lovely.  I am also looking forward to meeting Tash, Kim, Charmaine, Frances, Fran, Laura, Lauren and I'm sure there are loads more.

I am going with my best mate Jo and we are super excited and I'm going to be super broke when I have done but oh well it's a once in a lifetime thing and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it.

Jensen Ackles baby :-) I still keep having to pinch myself. I love him, I love him, I love him. Bring it on.


  1. I got a mention, I got a mention *happy dance* lol its the simple things in life #easilyamused

  2. Of course you got a mention #happydays I can't wait to meet you guys. It's going to be the best weekend ever #hellyeah
