Saturday, 30 April 2011

Tutbury Castle - A ghost hunt

Tutbury Castle, England Febuary 18th 2005

The investigation at Tutbury Castle took place on Friday the 18th of February at 7.00pm.
The hunt started with a tour of the castle and the grounds, we had a brief history lesson of the castle which was built in 1066 and were told what ghosts are roam the castle and its grounds.
Mary Queen of Scots is the main ghost of this castle and has been reportedly sited there on many occasions.

We all then went to The Grand Hall for a sit down meal and conversation with like-minded ghost hunters and sceptics. After the meal we went back downstairs and into the castle grounds where we headed to the dungeon which was a fairly creepy place. Once in the dungeon we were told about the things that had gone on in there over the castle’s 1000 years and we were also told about the things people still witness to this day when they go in there. Pretty freaky stuff.

People began feeling uneasy in the dungeon but it is not surprising really after everything that has happened in there over the years. One lady took some photographs with her digital camera one after the other of the same spot and in the first picture there appears to be an arm on the left hand side of the photograph and there was no one there when she took it.

Our group was then taken back into the castle and headed upstairs to The Grand Hall again and we were told some more stories about the ghosts that made themselves present in the castle.

Leslie the owner of the castle performs re-enactments of Mary Queen of Scots for the public and it is said that when she puts on her outfit and starts her speech that the real Mary Queen of Scots presence can be seen or felt because Leslie is so accurate in portraying. Mary Queen of Scots comes back to watch her and to scare any unsuspecting people when she does.

A smaller group of people were then put into The King’s bedroom, which is a room off The Grand Hall that is said to have a lot of paranormal activity. The story goes that a young girl is often felt, seen and heard in this room, she is a very happy young girl who likes to play games with people but she is apparently unaware that she died a very violent death, there is also a man who is seen and felt in this room, this man makes people feel uneasy and ill especially the men and people have been known to pass out before in the room because they felt so uneasy.

This man is supposed to be the little girls protector, apparently when this little girl was murdered this man had seen it all happen but was unable to do anything to save her as the man that murdered her was far more superior to him, he was just a servant, so people believe that he is trying to protect her in the afterlife like he could not do when they were both alive.

A lady collapsed in the King’s Bedroom but this could all be down to the fact that people knew the stories about what had gone on in this room and that people are prone to fainting and the room was very hot at the time.

Neither of our groups experiences many strange goings on in the King’s Bedroom or The Grand Hall but this could be due to the fact that it was not an all night ghost hunt and it finished at 11.00pm so people did not have enough time in each room to pick up on anything peculiar.

Our groups finally headed downstairs for a coffee before we all left and had a brief discussion on the events of the evening, all in all the evening was not very eventful.
Overall Scare factor 2/10
History 5/10
Beauty 5/10


  1. Leslie who owns tutbury castle is the historian from most haunted right? they did an investigation there years ago and she did the whole dressing up as mary queen of scots and then they bought her in as the historian after richard felix left lol

  2. Yeah she is, I personally don't like her, she is too big for her boots. She was supposed to turn up at this event but never showed up after we waited ages for her, not that I was too bothered but yeah she has been on most haunted #shite it makes me laugh how she can be classed as a historian, Richard Felix was the best at that.

  3. i loved richard, im sure he owns derby gaol or at least he did hhmm we should go there and stalk richard haha

  4. Yeah he does still own it, I've met him a couple of times, he's really down to earth but really scruffy lol we should so stalk him #stalkinginpublic #takingittothenextlevel HAHA

  5. we are epic stalkers, we can get some real life practice in in 13 days eekkk lol
