Saturday 14th May
Waking up at 8am I was starting to feel it, the mixture of nerves and excitement running through my body was making ever so slightly crazy. We went down for breakfast with Maria and for once in my life I couldn’t eat, I love my food but I felt sick with nerves, breakfast was not a good idea for me today.
We meet up with Caz & Sal again and found a seat in the Palace Suite waiting for the opening ceremony to begin and the Jensen panel talk at 9.30-10.15.
Cameras at the ready I was on the edge of my seat, as Doug the MC came onstage and a video was played on the big screen of all the cast that were there I was ready for this to happen. After what seemed like ages they all began to filter onto the stage. Jason Manns, Cindy Sampson, Richard Speight Jr, Brock Kelly, Mark Sheppard, Fredric Lehne, Jared Padalecki and then the moment I had been waiting for all my life “Ladies and gentlemen Mr Jensen Ackles” AAHHHHH I couldn’t contain myself any longer and let out a big cheer, Woohoo there he was on stage and he looked just amazing. The Jensen panel began and I can’t even remember now what was said, I just remember starring at him and thinking how amazing he was, I was also very aware that I couldn’t stop smiling like a giddy teenager even though I am almost 30.
Jensen’s panel went on for about 45 minutes and he was funny, sweet, polite, bashful, gentle and just a completely lovely man. He struck me as being a little nervous, I wasn’t sure if this was due to the fact that he genuinely got nervous or because of what happened at A3 when a fan attacked him and almost knocked him unconscious, I just prayed that everyone would behave this time around and put him at ease, then hopefully he would come back sooner.
The talk was over within what felt like minutes and then those who were having a Jensen photo made their way to queue up. One of the perks of being in group A was that we would be almost first for everything, not like last year when we were numbers 900+. Standing in the line with Jo, Caz, Sal and their friend Emma I tried to remain calm, it appeared to be working until I reached the door and could see him sat on the chair. He is without a shadow of doubt a very gorgeous man but seeing him up close I wondered did he have anything wrong with him, he just looked perfect, completely and utterly perfect.
Getting closer my hands began to shake a little and before I knew it I was at the front of the queue being literally shoved into his direction, what the hell did I say “Hi” was all I could muster up but unfortunately someone else was talking to him from across the room so he didn’t hear my little squeak, a couple of seconds later he turned and looked at me “Hi” I almost died, he was lovely “Hello” I replied as I stood next to him and placed my arm around his shoulder EEKKKK I kept thinking this isn’t happening LOL the photographer snapped and gave the nod it was Okay, I glanced at him and whispered thanks, he smiled and said thank you, I pretty much ran away with a big cheesy grin on my face HAPPY, HAPPY GEMMA J
The next few hours passed in a blur or walking around the Hilton stalking haha ringing everyone I know to tell them about meeting Jensen, grabbing a snack, spazzing with friends and looking around the merchandise room.
After lunch it was time for Jared's photo op that I had brought the previous day. I wasn't as nervous about meeting Jared, at least I didn't think I was until again I reached the door and saw him. We were laughing with Jo about her photo op as she is 4ft 11 and Jared is 6ft 4 haha she was pretty nervous about it but he was lovely to her.
As I was pushed again towards him he opened his arms up "Hey Sweetie" he smiled, I instantly calmed down "Hey Jared, how are you?" I asked "I'm great, are you having a good weekend?" he asked me, he was so handsome I replied that I was having a great time and he went to put his arm around me, as he was doing so his hand got caught in my sleeve "Oh I'm sorry" he laughed "It's not a problem" I joked, I wasn't gonna care if Jared Padalecki wanted to put his hand up my top haha. We had a nice hug and the phtographer took the photo "Thank you Jared" he smiled his big trademark smile "Thank you sweetie, have a great day" my Jared op was over and once again I couldn't stop smiling.

I must admit, I did feel a little upset that Jensen wasn't as approachable as Jared was but I understood that he was just being cautious, I just wanted a hug off him, that would make my haha but I had to respect what he wanted and just hope that we could prove to him that we are a huggable bunch.
Next up came Richard Speight Jr's panel, he is lovely and Caz has the biggest crush on him and by crush I mean she loves him :-) his panel was great, he brought his old bandmate Sam on to stage and they sang a few songs for us all after some technical difficulties. They were really good and the song 'I only love you when I'm drunk' is still stuck in my head now. I can see what Caz sees in him, he is a really great guy and I had to laugh at all the photo's that she was taking of him. Jo said look at the concentration on his face when he was playing the guitar, Caz said look at the concentration on my face haha she was like a smitten kitten.

Richard's photo op was next and I went with Caz for this one as none of the others were having one. She was shaking in the line and so excited, it was funny to see it from the other side of the table, seeing as I was the one a mess that morning. Richard was being funny with each person he had a photo with and seemed very approachable. Caz pretty much ran over to him wearing her 'I love Dick' badge, he found it very amusing and insisted on having it in the photo with them by holding it towards the camera. I walked over to him and he hugged me, he is a sweetie and he asked me how my weekend was going. What a great day this was turning out to be.

We then ran in as Jared's stage talk had already started and listened to stories of how Jared and Jensen play tricks on Misha. It sounded so funny, what I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall when they are filming. It was great to hear what Jared had to say and so nice that they all get on so well on set. Some young kid asked Jared a question and was really sharp with him haha Jared was acting scared of the kid and everyone found it hilarious. He comes across as such a fun, lovable, sweet guy. You can't ask for a better pairing with Jensen/Jared.
Saturday talks had ended and so myself, Jo and Maria headed for some food again and ended up in Frankie and Benny's. I had several strawberry daquiri's mmmmm so was good to go for the night.
At about 10ish we headed back for the disco that was just starting, we found Caz and then ended up once again walking around the Hilton seeing what or more to the point who we could spot, we even did some ghost hunting of our own inside and outside the hotel.
At around about 1am we went to bed, I had got my J2 photo op in the morning with Jo so needed to look half awake for it.
It had been an amazing day and I was so looking forward to what Sunday would bring even though it was the last day and I was also a little sad.
p.s I will keep adding if I forget anything so keep checking back :)